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Virginia Horse Industry Board

Marketing Grant Program 

The Virginia Horse Industry Board is excited to announce the opening of Cycle 4 of the 2024 Marketing Grant Program.  The Virginia Horse Industry Board (VHIB) will review and support efforts that address the promotion and economic development of the horse industry in Virginia.​


This grant is offered to support the Virginia horse industry in promoting and growing equine associations, organizations, events, and venues. VHIB will offer 4 grant application cycles over the this fiscal year or until available funding is exhausted. Only one level of funding is available, and the maximum award for this grant is $5,000.


Applicants must demonstrate proven ability and experience to carry out elements of the proposed project. Those applicants proposing to rely on the expertise of another individual or organization to undertake any part of the project must clearly define the responsibilities of the party and provide evidence of that party’s ability to achieve that area of responsibility. 


Eligible Items can include:


Traditional Media:


Placement of Advertisements to include print ads, digital, radio, etc.

• Printed Materials – including brochures, flyers, posters, and other printed materials used to promote your organization or event.

Website Development – Development of an event page, membership campaign page, or expansion of website for marketing purposes is eligible.  Maintenance fees for the website are NOT eligible.

Contractual Services (web designer, graphic designer, etc.)

Professional Speaker Fees (marketing firm, website developer, graphic designer, etc.)

Digital Marketing – Banner or website advertising and other electronic marketing initiatives

Social media marketing initiatives

Event Support – Grant funding can be used for awards, incentive funding, etc.  Venue rental will be considered but will be reimbursed only after the event has occurred.


Further Project Clarification:
These grants are not small business loans for setting up or financing individual businesses.  Such loans are available from the U.S. Small Business Administration.  Monies will not be awarded for:

  • Tuition Reimbursement

  • Salaries

  • Website Maintenance/Subscription Fees

  • Equipment

  • Saddles

  • Any Type of Construction Project

  • General Operational Costs

  • Insurance

  • Judges Fees

  • Alcohol


Funding awarded for this cycle must be used between April 1, 2024 and March 30, 2025.



Questions regarding the grant program should be directed to:


Garrett Petro, Virginia Horse Industry Board Program Manager

Phone 804-225-3663

email >>

Please allow 1-2 business days for a response.


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